
What is Growing Up in Ireland report?

What is Growing Up in Ireland report?

Growing Up in Ireland (GUI) is the national longitudinal study of children in Ireland funded by DCEDIY and managed by DCEDIY in association with the Central Statistics Office (CSO). The study is carried out on behalf of DCEDIY by a team of researchers at the Economic and Social Research Institute and Trinity College.

How do you reference the growing up study in Ireland?

Williams, James et al [2013]. Growing Up in Ireland national longitudinal study of children: development from birth to three years infant cohort. Report 5. Dublin: Department of Children and Youth Affairs.

What’s another way to say growing up?

What is another word for growing up?

flourishing thriving
growing blooming
blossoming prospering
burgeoning developing
bourgeoning maturing

When was growing up in Ireland published?

Published in November 2018, four short reports describe how 9-year-olds are faring in Ireland.

What are the findings of growing up in Ireland?

Growing Up in Ireland published a series of 4 Key Findings– short reports on the lives of 9-year-olds and how they are faring in important areas of their lives and how their lives have changed since the children were 5 years of age.

How old are children in growing up in Ireland?

These Key Findings reports analysed the data from the 7,563 children and families that participated in the Growing Up in Ireland survey at 9 months old (in 2008-09), at 3 years, 5 years and 9 years (in 2017/18). Growing Up in Ireland (GUI) is the national longitudinal study of children.

When is the growing up in Ireland conference?

Growing Up in Ireland held its 11th Annual Research Conference on Thursday 21st November 2019 in the Gibson Hotel in Dublin’s docklands area. Four Key Findings Reports were launched, based on data collected from the Child Cohort (Cohort ’98) at age 20 Years.

Who are the authors of growing up in Ireland?

Growing Up in Ireland: The Lives of 17/18-Year-Olds by Eoin McNamara, Daráine Murphy, Aisling Murray, Emer Smyth and Dorothy Watson. (30th July 2020) Watch a video recording of the launch presentation here.