
What is another word for no progress?

What is another word for no progress?

A period or state of inactivity. stagnation. inactivity. immobility. inaction.

Is digress the opposite of progress?

Progress is close to the opposite of digress. Both words have the same root gress, “to step.” Progress refers to moving forward, while digress refers to moving sideways or away from the main ending point.

What is a lack of progress?

1 an insufficiency, shortage, or absence of something required or desired. 2 something that is required but is absent or in short supply.

What is one word for an act of stopping?

stoppage. noun. the act of stopping something.

What does degression mean?

1 : a stepping or movement downward : descent —used chiefly as a correlative of progression. 2 : the decrease in rate in degressive taxation.

Can progress be negative?

Social progress, scientific progress and economic development are usually considered as having a positive effect on our society however there are some cases where this change can have a negative effect too.

What does stagnancy mean?

Definitions of stagnancy. a state of inactivity (in business or art etc) synonyms: doldrums, stagnation. type of: inaction, inactiveness, inactivity. the state of being inactive.

How do you say slow progress?


  1. 1 creeping, dawdling, deliberate, easy, lackadaisical, laggard, lagging, lazy, leaden, leisurely, loitering, measured, plodding, ponderous, slow-moving, sluggardly, sluggish, tortoise-like, unhurried.
  2. 2 backward, behind, behindhand, delayed, dilatory, late, long-delayed, tardy, unpunctual.

What is to stop something?

Verb. stop, cease, quit, discontinue, desist mean to suspend or cause to suspend activity. stop applies to action or progress or to what is operating or progressing and may imply suddenness or definiteness.

How do you say stop in a nice way?

Ways of telling someone to stop doing something – thesaurus

  1. stop it/that. phrase. used for telling someone not to do something that they are doing.
  2. hands off. phrase.
  3. give something a rest. phrase.
  4. pack it in. phrasal verb.
  5. cut it/that out. phrasal verb.
  6. must you? phrase.
  7. hold it. phrase.
  8. can ill afford (to do) something. phrase.

Is degression a word?

a downward movement; descent. the decrease in rate in degressive taxation.

Why is digression used?

‘Digression’ is used in literature to diverge the reader’s attention from the main plot. It is meant to be done intentionally for the sake of illustrating a point, or adding to the suspense of the story. All three of these novels are creating or recreating accounts or stories.

What is the antonym of progress?

advancement, progress(noun) gradual improvement or growth or development. “advancement of knowledge”; “great progress in the arts”. Antonyms: retrogress, regress, retrograde. Synonyms: advancement, procession, furtherance, promotion, advance, progression, onward motion, forward motion.

What is an antonym for progression?

advance, advancement, attainment, development, growth, improvement, increase, proficiency, progress. Antonyms: check, decline, delay, falling back, falling off, relapse, retrogression, stay, stop, stoppage. Preposition: The progress of truth; progress in virtue; toward perfection; from a lower to a higher state.

What is another word for in progress?

Synonyms for In progress: adj. •begun (adjective) going, operational, under way, working, proceeding, initiated, operative, happening. Other synonyms: • afoot, modern-day, existing, existent, present-day, extant, latter-day, modern, contemporary.