
What does Army NetOps Do?

What does Army NetOps Do?

NETOPS includes network management (NM), information dissemination management (IDM) and information assurance (IA). Coordinates the availability of commercial information systems and information services for military use. Coordinates unit commercial and military satellite communications requirements.

What is DevOps and NetOps?

DevOps includes development, remodeling, and fast delivery of Applications. NetOps involves the maintenance and upgrading of the network infrastructure of applications.

What does NetOps stand for?


Acronym Definition
NETOPS Network Operations
NETOPS Nuclear Emergency Team Operations
NETOPS Naval Engineering Training and Operating Procedure and Standard (US Navy)

What is a NetOps officer?

NetOps includes, but is not limited to, enterprise management, net assurance, and content management. NetOps provides Combatant Commanders (COCOMs) with GIG Situational Awareness to make informed Command and Control decisions.

What are the capabilities of a NetOps center?

These capabilities collect (or receive), and fuse (enterprise management, network defense and configuration management) data in a real time or near real-time fashion to produce defined views of the mission critical GIG information of concern to a commander or NetOps center.

What are the different types of NetOps management?

The original NetOps construct consisted of Network Management (NM), Information Assurance (IA), and Information Dissemination Management (IDM).

What does NetOps stand for in the Army?

*NetOps software, tools, and systems are those products (COTS/GOTS) which monitor and manage the networked devices within the Army Enterprise Infostructure. These NetOps products securely manage, operate and maintain the network; they are not the network devices or elements themselves.

What is Netcom’s role in NetOps compliance?

NETCOM through its NetOps Compliance group has responsibility to ensure all NetOps products meet the LandWarNet Architecture capabilities for the Army’s Enterprise Infostructure (AEI.)