
Is retrograde Saturn good?

Is retrograde Saturn good?

Every year, Saturn goes retrograde — usually from April or May through September. “Saturn retrograde isn’t a bad transit,” astrologer Lisa Stardust tells Refinery29. “When the karmic planet Saturn starts slowing down, it gives us time to reflect on matters such as relationships and our roles at work.”

Is retrograde Saturn good in birth chart?

If Saturn is your benefit planet and it goes retrograde, the results are favourable. When Saturn is Retrograde in horoscope(not in transit) means the person was lacking in taking responsibility in past life as well as in this life. Lack of satisfaction with the achievements in life.

What is Yogakaraka Vedic astrology?

According to the rules of Jyotish, or Vedic astrology, the Yogakaraka is that planet which has rulership over both a Kendra house and a Trikona house. sets (7th house) and anti-culminates (4th house). The so-called Trikona houses are the two houses that form a trinal (120 degree) relationship to the Ascendant.

What does it mean when Saturn is retrograde in your natal chart?

If your Saturn was retrograde at the time of your birth, the zodiac sign and degree matters. Saturn in your natal chart is the place where you can feel restricted. It’s an area where you grow the most using hard work and effort. When you were born during retrograde it can be easier or harder for you.

What is the role of Saturn retrograde in Vedic astrology?

In Vedic astrology, Saturn retrograde plays a very important role. Planet Saturn is considered as the lord of work & success. A lot of people have a myth regarding planet Saturn and fear it.

What is the role of the yogakaraka planet in Vedic astrology?

According to the rules of Jyotish, or Vedic astrology, the Yogakaraka is that planet which has rulership over both a Kendra house and a Trikona house. The so-called Kendra houses correspond to the angular houses in western astrology, i.e., the 1st, 4th, 7th and 10th.

Where is Saturn in the yogakaraka Solar System?

Saturn is placed in 4th house, creating Sasayoga and is aspecting his ascendant, 6th and 10th house. Where Saturn is sitting is house of throne and 6th & 1oth houses are very important for a politician. He is two time president of most powerful country in world.

How to find your yoga karaka planet horoscope?

Now, the question is how we find our yoga karaka planet in the horoscope. It’s actually quite simple and with basic knowledge of astrology, you can easily identify yogakaraka planets. Planets that have lordship over Trine and Kendra simultaneously will be ticked as Yoga karaka planet.