
Is 4 weak spots wot blitz?

Is 4 weak spots wot blitz?

An angled IS-4 can be a very tough opponent to deal with and especially for lower tiered tanks. As the IS-4 angles the USH #1 actually becomes weaker and becomes the easiest weak spot to hit since the LFG’s armor values rise. The USH #2 however remains very difficult to damage and should be avoided.

Where can I shoot my T110E3?

The side of the T110E3 is rather straight forward for most tanks besides scouts with low penetration. Simply avoid shooting the track areas with no hull armor behind them and the casemate/turret section and you will be fine. Once again avoid shooting the commander’s cupola since it is still 229mm thick from the sides.

Is the T110E3 a weak spot in the tank?

Frontally the T110E3 is very difficult to deal with using conventional methods. The lower glacis while weak in some spots is difficult to pen for a lot of tanks and at under 50mm becomes much stronger and can bounce shells left and right. The commander’s cupola unlike the T110E4 is actually pretty damn strong and should be avoided.

Is the glacis weak on the T110E3?

The lower glacis while weak in some spots is difficult to pen for a lot of tanks and at under 50mm becomes much stronger and can bounce shells left and right. The commander’s cupola unlike the T110E4 is actually pretty damn strong and should be avoided. This leaves you with 3 options to aim for on the front of the T110E3.

What kind of armor does The T110E4 have?

Frontally the T110E4 has a considerable amount of armor if you do not aim well and hit the stronger portions of it’s armor. Like other T110 series tanks it’s lower glacis is a prime weak spot that for the most part is very weak for most tanks that are facing the T110E4.

Which is better the T95 or the T110E3?

The T110E3 is the tier X American Tank Destroyer on the turretless tech tree. A compact, more mobile version of the T95, the E3 can move around the battlefield much better with its increased top speed, but at the dire sacrifice of overall armor protection.