
How do I send money to someone in Albany County Jail?

How do I send money to someone in Albany County Jail?

Online: Visit You can also call 1 (866) 345-1884 to deposit money over the phone. The online site and the phone deposits must be made by Mastercard or Visa. To select and order a care package online to be delivered to the inmate, visit:

Who is Albany County Sheriff?

Craig Apple became Sheriff of Albany County in 2011. He has served in the Albany County Sheriff’s Office since 1987. Beginning as a Correction Officer, he became a Deputy Sheriff in 1989, an Investigator in 1991, a Sergeant in 1993 and a Lieutenant in 1995 when he supervised the Criminal Investigations Unit.

How do I find an inmate in upstate New York?

You can obtain the number from the inmate or use the name search capability. For more assistance you may call (518)-457-5000.

Where is Albany County Jail in New York?

Go here to get started on a search for any jail in the state of New York or go to this page to begin a search for all jails in the United States. If your inmate has been charged but not yet convicted of a misdemeanor or a felony, he or she will most likely be held in Albany County County within the county where the crime occurred.

Where can I find Albany County corrections data?

A delay in reporting an incident will place the safety of any inmate or detainee in jeopardy and make the investigation of the incident far more difficult. Annual statistical data reports will be available for public display at the Albany County Correctional Facility, on the Information Board located in the visitor lobby.

Can a felon go to Albany County Jail?

Recently convicted felons are sometimes held at Albany County County Jail until transport to a New York State Prison is available. Inmates sentenced to less than one year incarceration or those convicted to serve time for misdemeanors will do their time in the Albany County County Jail system.

What is the crime rate in Albany County NY?

Albany County jails are subject to health and medical restrictions and have to provide medical care to all its inmates. Albany County is well known for its Property Crime Totals, it has a share of 44.60% of all the crimes committed in the county – 157 Property Crime Total cases.