
How do I delete a user in Oracle?

How do I delete a user in Oracle?

Use the DROP USER statement to remove a database user and optionally remove the user’s objects. When you drop a user, Oracle Database also purges all of that user’s schema objects from the recycle bin. Caution: Do not attempt to drop the users SYS or SYSTEM .

How do I delete a database in SQL Developer?

In Object Explorer, connect to an instance of the SQL Server Database Engine, and then expand that instance. Expand Databases, right-click the database to delete, and then click Delete. Confirm the correct database is selected, and then click OK.

How do I delete a user in Oracle SQL Plus?

If you want to delete a user account and its associated schema, you can log in as SYSTEM and use the DROP USER command as shown in the following example: >. \bin\sqlplus /nolog SQL> connect SYSTEM/fyicenter Connected. SQL> DROP USER DEV CASCADE; User dropped.

Why do I need DBCA to delete Oracle Database?

CAUSE: A locally running instance is required for complete deletion of Oracle database instance and database files. ACTION: Specify a locally running database, or execute DBCA on a node where the database instance is running. Look at the log file “/u01/app/oracle/cfgtoollogs/dbca/DB01.log” for further details.

How to remove a user from an Oracle Database?

Use the DROP USER statement to remove a database user and optionally remove the user’s objects. When you drop a user, Oracle Database also purges all of that user’s schema objects from the recycle bin.

How to drop Oracle database using DBCA in silent mode?

How to drop an Oracle Database using dbca in silent mode? I have one 12c (12.2) database called “TEST” that is running in archivelog mode, and for some reason I want to drop this database. Unfortunately, I can’t run dbca in GUI mode, so, I want to drop this database in a text silent mode, How can I do that?

How to delete a DBCA instance from a node?

Provide a node name only if you are deleting an instance from a node other than the one on where DBCA is running as shown in the following example where passwordis the password: dbca -silent -deleteInstance [-nodeList node_name] -gdbName gdb_name-instanceName instance_name[-sysDBAUserName sysdba-sysDBAPassword password]