
Does milk thistle improve skin?

Does milk thistle improve skin?

Promotes skin health Milk thistle may help to promote healthy skin. A 2015 study found that milk thistle helped improve inflammatory skin conditions when applied to the skin of mice. Milk thistle was also found to have antioxidant and anti-aging effects on human skin cells in a laboratory environment in another study .

Does milk thistle lighten the skin?

The study showed that active formulation containing extract of milk thistle reduced skin melanin due to the presence of silymarin flavonoids. The formulation also possessed anti-inflammatory effects and was found to be suitable for topical application.

Does silymarin help with acne?

Due to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects, milk thistle may be a useful supplement for people with acne. Interestingly, one study found that people with acne who took 210 milligrams of silymarin per day for 8 weeks experienced a 53% decrease in acne lesions (42).

When do you use SkinCeuticals silymarin?

In the morning after cleansing and toning, apply 4-5 drops of Silymarin CF to a dry face, neck, and chest before other skincare products. Complete your regimen with a SkinCeuticals sunscreen.

Is there a serum with silymarin in it?

Silymarin itself is pretty hard to find in skin care, but there is one new serum on the market that contains this skin-care wunderkind: SkinCeuticals’ new Silymarin CF, which includes the star ingredient as well as vitamin C, ferulic acid, and salicylic acid to give your oily and acne-prone skin the pick-me-up it needs.

How does silymarin work to protect the liver?

Benefits Silymarin is a powerful antioxidantsaid to protect liver cells (and other cells in the body and brain) from toxins. Sylimarin apparently promotes liver cell protein synthesis and decreases the oxidation of glutathione.

Which is better for the liver milk thistle or silymarin?

Benefits Silymarin is a powerful antioxidantsaid to protect liver cells (and other cells in the body and brain) from toxins. Sylimarin apparently promotes liver cell protein synthesis and decreases the oxidation of glutathione. Milk thistle or silymarin may potentially be

Who is the inventor of the antioxidant silymarin?

“ Dr. Sheldon Pinnell, who’s kind of the pioneer of antioxidants in skin care, patented this ingredient years ago and has found that it is very protective for ultraviolet radiation and factors from the environment like pollution,” she says.