
Where is the Falaknuma Express?

Where is the Falaknuma Express?

Kolkata is located in the state of West Bengal and Hyderabad is located in the state of Andhra Pradesh. The two cities are located at a distance of 1545kms. The train 12703 is named as FALAKNUMA EXP….Falaknuma Express -12703 ( Howrah Junction to Secunderabad Junction )

Station name (code) Srikakulam Road (CHE)
Arrives 19:00
Departs 19:02
Stop time 2 min
Distance travelled 752 km

Is there pantry car in Falaknuma Express?

There is also a pantry car is attached in the train serving an onboard meal to the passengers on the moving train. The train takes 2 days to reach its destination from the Origin station. Falaknuma Express – 12703:Train Route. The train departs the station of Howrah Junction early morning by 07:25 Hrs.

Which is the train number of Falaknuma Express?

It has been operating with two train numbers that is 12703 and 12704. Train 12703 Falaknuma express runs from Howrah junction to Secunderabad junction whereas train 12704 Falaknuma express runs in the opposite direction.

When does Falaknuma Express leave from Howrah to Secunderabad?

Its departure time from Howrah is at 07:25 hours and its arrival time at Secunderabad is at 09:35 hours the subsequent day and time from Secunderabad is at 16:00 hours and its arrival at Howrah is at 17:45 hours the following day.

Which is the departure time of Visakha Express from Bhubaneswar?

The Departure time of Visakha Express from Bhubaneswar is 08:35 and arrival time at Secunderabad Junction is 07:30 +1 night. It usually comes on Platform Number 1 at Bhubaneswar station and Platform Number 2,3 at Secunderabad Junction. Visakha Express Train Number 17015 runs in Bhubaneswar to Secunderabad Route.

Why is Faluknama Express named after Falaknuma Palace?

This train is named ‘Faluknama Express’ after Hyderabad’s Falaknuma Palace. In Persian, Falaknuma means ‘Reflection of Heavens/Skies’. The overall distance covered by this train is about 1545 kilometers in just 26 hours. It has in total 21 halts where passengers can alight or enter.