
What port does TeamViewer VPN use?

What port does TeamViewer VPN use?

port 5938
TeamViewer Ports TeamViewer prefers to make outbound TCP and UDP connections over port 5938 – this is the primary port it uses, and TeamViewer performs best using this port.

What ports does TeamViewer require?

For mobile apps, TeamViewer uses port 5938 for both Android and iOS and will fall back to port 80 for iOS if 5938 is blocked. Android only uses 5938.

Are TeamViewer connections encrypted?

ENCRYPTION AND AUTHENTICATION TeamViewer traffic is secured using RSA public/private key exchange and AES (256-bit) session encryption. This technology is used in a comparable form for https/SSL and is considered completely safe by today’s standards.

Does TeamViewer need port forwarding?

TeamViewer prefers to make outbound TCP and UDP connections over port 5938 – this is the primary port it uses, and TeamViewer performs best using this port. Your firewall should allow this at a minimum.

Can you use a VPN on TeamViewer 9?

I am using Teamviewer 9 and would like to use the VPN option. I installed it all and it works perfectly only if I turn off the Windows firewall on my VPN target. Teamviewer.exe ia already allowed through. Does anyone know what rules I need to setup to let the VPN tunnel through? Both machines are Windows 8.1. Allowing TCP port 445 worked for me.

What kind of ports are used by TeamViewer?

This article shows the ports used by TeamViewer, and explains how to block or allow these ports on your computer network. The ports used by TeamViewer are TCP 80, TCP 443 and TCP 5938. You do not need to redirect any ports in order for TeamViewer to work.

Where do I find TeamViewer on my Network?

The ports used by TeamViewer are TCP 80, TCP 443 and TCP 5938. You do not need to redirect any ports in order for TeamViewer to work. It will automatically find it’s way out of your network, unless it has been explicitly blocked. If you are having trouble, check if there are any outbound rules in your firewall for ports 80, 443 and 5938.

Can a team viewer run over the same ports as RDP?

TeamViewer will also run over the same ports as web traffic if you are doing outbound filtering, which is why it almost always connects. As for RDP, you should not be forwarding 3389 from the internet to any device inside a FW. It is not secure to expose 3389 to the internet. You should either be using a VPN or an RDGateway for this.