
What is view port size?

What is view port size?

The viewport is the user’s visible area of a web page. The viewport varies with the device, and will be smaller on a mobile phone than on a computer screen. Before tablets and mobile phones, web pages were designed only for computer screens, and it was common for web pages to have a static design and a fixed size.

What is CSS view port?

CSS Viewport is defined as the visible area on a window screen which refers to the displays of the mobile devices. In simple terms, viewport helps web browsers to break pages and add them on a small screen in a readable format (prevents side scroll).

How is the viewport size of a device determined?

However device actual dimensions depends on actual Pixels Per Inch which is called “Viewport Size” of device or “device-width”. Responsive Websites CSS styles are based upon Viewport sizes of devices. Below is a detailed comparison list of Viewport Size for devices, Phone Dimensions, Screen Sizes and Devices Resolution:

What are the attributes of the frameset tag?

Attributes: The list of frameset attributes are given below: cols: The cols attribute is used to create vertical frames in web browser. This attribute is basically used to define the no of columns and its size inside the frameset tag. rows: The rows attribute is used to create horizontal frames in web browser.

What is the value of the frameset element in HTML?

This can take any integer value as an parameter which basically denotes the value in pixel. Below examples illustrate the element in HTML:

How to make a frameset with three documents?

How to make a frameset with three documents, and how to mix them in rows and columns. How to use the “noresize” attribute. The frames are not resizable. Move the mouse over the borders between the frames and notice that you can not move the borders.