
What is the deepest sea in world?

What is the deepest sea in world?

Five deepest points of the world’s oceans

Rank Name Trench
1 Challenger Deep Mariana
2 Brownson Deep Puerto Rico
3 Factorian Deep South Sandwich
4 (Unnamed deep) Java

Which is the deepest ocean in the world * 1 point?

The Pacific Ocean
The Pacific Ocean has the deepest point in the world other than being the overall deepest ocean in the world. The Mariana Trench is the deepest point on the planet and it is at nearly 35,797 ft or 11,000 m deep.

What are the 3 deepest oceans in the world?

2.1. 4. Pacific ocean

Ocean Area Location
Pacific Mariana Trench Challenger Deep
Indian Java Trench Unnamed Deep
Southern South Sandwich Trench Unnamed Deep South of 60°S
Atlantic Puerto Rico Trench Milwaukee Deep

What is the lowest point in the ocean?

The Pacific Ocean ‘s lowest known point, and the lowest on earth, is the Mariana Trench to the east of the Mariana Island .

What is the largest and the deepest ocean?

The Pacific Ocean is the world’s deepest, and has a maximum depth of about 11 km. The Pacific Ocean is the world’s largest and deepest ocean.

What is the deepest body of water in the world?

The Pacific Ocean is the deepest body of water in the world. The ocean can be as deep as 2 and half miles in some places.

What is the deepest sea living creature?

Fangtooth fish are the deepest living fish ever found. They can survive 5,000 meters below sea level. The pressure at that point is 500 times that of land. Their teeth are in proportion to their body size making them one of the terrifying deep-sea creatures.