
What is offense gravity score Pennsylvania?

What is offense gravity score Pennsylvania?

The Pennsylvania Gravity Score, or otherwise referred to as an Offense Gravity Score (OGS), is assigned to every criminal offense in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. This score gives the presiding judge a numerical standard by which to evaluate the seriousness of the crime for which the defendant has been convicted.

What is a grade M3 charge in PA?

More importantly, Simple Assault (M3) is subject to Pennsylvania’s new limited access order law. This means that if you are convicted of Simple Assault (M3), you may petition the court to seal the conviction after ten years if you remain arrest-free during that period.

What is a felony 3 charge in PA?

Third-Degree Felony A conviction for a felony in the 3rd degree in Pennsylvania includes from 3.5 to 7 years in prison and a fine of up to $15,000. This includes crimes such as: Bribery. Possession of child pornography.

How much of your sentence do you serve in Pennsylvania?

One rule that judges in Pennsylvania must adhere to when sentencing an offender to incarceration is the minimum-maximum rule. This states that the minimum sentence cannot exceed half of the maximum sentence.

What are the sentencing guidelines for a 3rd degree felony in PA?

**For example, if an offender is convicted of a Felony 3rd degree, the judge may not fashion a sentence of probation or incarceration that exceeds 7 years in length or $15,000 in fines. The Pennsylvania Commission on Sentencing has promulgated sentencing guidelines as a guide for Pennsylvania trial judges to follow.

How is the Sentencing Guideline determined in PA?

Your sentencing guideline will be based on two things, 1) the seriousness of the offense, known as the “offense gravity score”; and 2) your prior criminal record known as your “prior record score.” Each Pennsylvania crime has an assigned point value. The higher the number value, the higher the offense gravity score.

What’s the definition of aggravated assault in PA?

Aggravated assault-use tear gas/electronic device ag. police, etc. Neglect of care-dependent person-fails to provide treatment, care, goods, etc. Weapons of mass destruction-use (cause evacuation of building etc.) Kidnapping-minor, to interfere w/ pub.

What does rs stand for in Pennsylvania sentencing guidelines?

If John Doe’s current offense carries an offense gravity score of 2 and John Doe has a prior record score of 1, your guidelines call for a sentence of “RS-2, Agg/Mit +/-3.” RS stands for restorative sanctions. Restorative sanctions means anything but incarceration.