
What is a good beta after FET?

What is a good beta after FET?

A strong beta number at 17 days after fertilization (14dp3dt or 12dp5dt) would be over 200 mIU/mL (or IU/L, they are equivalent). One study of 523 IVF pregnancies found that betas over 200 IU/L at this time had the greatest chance of success.

What is hCG level after embryo transfer?

Many prior studies have explored the relationship between serum β-hCG levels and pregnancy outcomes. In fresh embryo transfer cycles, the thresholds of serum β-hCG levels to predict clinical pregnancy and live births were 111–213 IU/L and 160–222.8 IU/L respectively 10–12 days after transfer [2,3,4,5,6,7].

What was the beta for beta 3 FET?

Update: Beta #3 came in at 183 and my doc’s office is happy with this. Not quite doubled from Beta #2 but very nearly. PHEW! Now the LOOONNG wait til first u/s! Another Update: We saw the heartbeat at 7 weeks and everything looks great! FET transferred 3 blasts. This is my 10th embryo transfer and 5th pregnancy..No living children yet!

What are my beta numbers at 10 days?

1st beta (10 days past a 3 day transfer) – 124 2nd beta (12 days past a 3 day transfer) – 304 My RE is happy with these numbers! Good luck to all of us!

What’s the beta for my 10th embryo transfer?

FET transferred 3 blasts. This is my 10th embryo transfer and 5th pregnancy..No living children yet! Came back to 2nd beta is 316.5 I am 10dp5dt today. Or should I say..4 weeks 1 day?? I am going to have an early u/s next week! Becky-10th embryo transfer! Transferrred two fresh embies… 1st beta (10 days past a 3 day transfer) – 124

What are hCG levels at 10dp5dt with twins?

I was 9dp5dt with a beta of 612 with my twins. At 11dpt it was over 1500. HCG just indicates a pregnancy. Nothing more. There is no correlation between the number and how many embryos implanted. Congrats though on your bfp! Forgot to say that I also had high numbers with my singleton. Congrats!! Thanks so much for the feedback!