
What does diabetic feet pain feel like?

What does diabetic feet pain feel like?

Diabetic foot pain often feels different than other types of foot pain, such as that caused by tendonitis or plantar fasciitis. It tends to be a sharp, shooting pain rather than a dull ache. It can also be accompanied by: Numbness.

What are the 5 main symptoms of diabetic neuropathy?

Peripheral neuropathy

  • Numbness or reduced ability to feel pain or temperature changes.
  • Tingling or burning sensation.
  • Sharp pains or cramps.
  • Increased sensitivity to touch — for some people, even a bedsheet’s weight can be painful.
  • Serious foot problems, such as ulcers, infections, and bone and joint pain.

Will diabetic nerve pain go away?

Nerve damage from diabetes can’t be reversed. This is because the body can’t naturally repair nerve tissues that have been damaged. However, researchers are investigating methods to treat nerve damage caused by diabetes.

What is the best treatment for diabetic foot pain?

Acetaminophen, aspirin, ibuprofen, or naproxen can ease mild to moderate pain caused by diabetic nerve damage, says Kimberly Sackheim, DO, a clinical assistant professor of rehabilitation medicine at NYU Langone Medical Center ‘s Rusk Rehabilitation.

What are symptoms of diabetic foot pain?

Signs and symptoms of diabetic foot pain are often worse at night, and may include: Increased sensitivity to touch — for some people, even the weight of a bedsheet can be painful. Loss of balance and coordination. Loss of reflexes, especially in the ankle.

Can diabetes cause foot pain?

Diabetes can result in excruciating foot pain caused by the damage to the nerves and problems in circulation.

How painful is diabetes?

Surveys of people with diabetes report rates of chronic pain anywhere from 20% to over 60% — much higher than rates in the general population. The types of pain most often reported by people with diabetes include back pain and neuropathy pain in the feet or hands.