
What does cross linking mean in chemistry?

What does cross linking mean in chemistry?

Crosslinking is the process of chemically joining two or more molecules by a covalent bond.

How are polymers cross-linked?

Crosslinking is the general term for the process of forming covalent bonds or relatively short sequences of chemical bonds to join two polymer chains together. Intermediate cross-link densities transform gummy polymers into materials that have elastomeric properties and potentially high strengths.

How do you induce cross linking?

The first is through free radical or oxidizing reactions assisted by an increased temperature and the presence of air. UV light or other radiation sources may also promote crosslinking. Another mechanism is a chemical reaction such as through the condensation of an alcohol or an amine with a carboxylic acid.

How are carbodiimide crosslinkers used in cell biology?

The ability to crosslink primary amines to carboxylic acid groups using EDC is a powerful and versatile tool for crosslinking peptides and proteins, preparing biomolecular probes, and immobilizing macromolecules for use in numerous protein and cell biology detection and analysis methods.

What happens when carboxyls are crosslinked to amines?

The O-acylisourea intermediate is unstable in aqueous solutions; failure to react with an amine results in hydrolysis of the intermediate, regeneration of the carboxyls, and the release of an N-unsubstituted urea. EDC (carbodiimide) crosslinking reaction scheme. Carboxyl-to-amine crosslinking with the popular carbodiimide, EDC.

How are carbodiimides used in the formation of proteins?

Carbodiimides are also known as zero-length cross-linkers and are mainly used in the formation of amide linkages between amines and carboxylates. Carbodiimides can be used to conjugate proteins or peptides to the surface of other molecules.

Which is the result of cross linking in chemistry?

Extensive cross-linking results in a random three-dimensional network of interconnected chains, as shown in the figure. As one might expect, extensive cross-linking produces a substance which has more rigidity, hardness, and a higher melting point than the equivalent polymer without cross-linking.