
What are some of the traits that Thomas Hunt Morgan observed in fruit flies?

What are some of the traits that Thomas Hunt Morgan observed in fruit flies?

He predicted and observed that half of the flies would be red-eyed females and the other half would be white-eyed males. That mating showed that the occurrence of the white-eyed trait is limited to the X chromosome, as only male offspring were capable of displaying the white-eyed trait with a single copy of the trait.

Why did Thomas Hunt Morgan Choose fruit flies?

Morgan decided to use fruit flies to study how physical traits (for example, eye color) were transmitted from parents to offspring, and he was able to elegantly show that genes are stored in chromosomes and form the basis of heredity. This work won him a Nobel prize in 1933 and marked the birth of modern genetics.

How did Morgan’s research with fruit flies explain?

How did Morgan’s research with fruit flies explain Punnett’s and Bateson’s observation of pea plants? Morgan concluded that linked genes were on the same chromsomes. The more times two genes cross over, the farther apart they are from each other. Linked genes are located close to each other on the same chromosome.

Why are white eyed female fruit flies so rare in nature?

White eyes are very rare in natural fruit fly populations. Morgan realized that in these flies, eye color must somehow be tied to sex. From this and other evidence, Morgan deduced that the gene involved in this inheritance pattern is located only on the X chromosome. There is no corresponding eye color locus on the Y.

What is the gender of all of the white eyed flies?

Although the first generation of 1,237 offspring was all red-eyed but for three, white-eyed flies appeared in larger numbers in the second generation. Surprisingly, all white-eyed flies were male.

What is the life cycle of a fruit fly?

There are four stages to the life cycle of fruit flies, these are: eggs, larvae (maggots), pupae and adults. A brief description of each of the stages of the life cycle of fruit fly is provided below.

What is the purpose of the fruit fly experiment?

The purpose of our fruit fly experiment was to learn about genetics which is the study of DNA, genes and traits. We also studied mutations, which are the changing of an organism’s genes and DNA sequence which makes the organism different than that of its species, and the effects of it on our flies.

Can female fruit flies have white eyes?

All of the females and all of the males will have red eyes. All of the females will have white eyes; half of the males will have red eyes, and half of the males will have white eyes.

What does fruit flies hate?

REPEL FRUIT FLIES WITH HERBS Fruit flies dislike strong smells and you can repel them by grinding up, or hanging, fresh herbs in your kitchen. Lavender, basil, mint, and rosemary are said to be effective.

How did Thomas Hunt Morgan make fruit flies?

That became possible in the laboratory of a Columbia University biologist, Thomas Hunt Morgan (left). Morgan’s experiments involved red- and white-eyed fruit flies like these. Morgan bred fruit flies by the thousands, and his team tried to create mutant flies with x-rays, acids, and other toxic substances.

Who was Thomas Hunt Morgan and what did he do?

See Article History. Thomas Hunt Morgan, (born Sept. 25, 1866, Lexington, Ky., U.S.—died Dec. 4, 1945, Pasadena, Calif.), American zoologist and geneticist, famous for his experimental research with the fruit fly (Drosophila) by which he established the chromosome theory of heredity.

How did Thomas Hunt Morgan determine eye color?

Through more breeding analysis, Morgan found that the genetic factor controlling eye color in the flies was on the same chromosome that determined sex.

Who was the first person to breed fruit flies?

Morgan bred fruit flies by the thousands, and his team tried to create mutant flies with x-rays, acids, and other toxic substances. Finally, in one unaltered lineage of flies, the researchers found a surprise.