
How do you form present indicative?

How do you form present indicative?

The indicative mood means that the sentence is a statement of fact. To conjugate a verb in the present indicative, remove the infinitive ending of the regular verb, in this case -ar, -er or -ir, and replace it with an ending that gives an indication as to “the person” that is performing the action of the verb.

What is the present subjunctive form of haber?

Forming the Spanish present perfect subjunctive

subjunctive of “haber” translation
él, ella haya He/she has studied
nosotros/as hayamos We have studied
vosotros/as hayáis You all have studied
ellos, ellas hayan They have studied

What are the 5 forms of Haber in the conditional?

he habido.

  • has habido.
  • ha habido.
  • hemos habido.
  • habéis habido.
  • han habido.
  • What is the present indicative form in Spanish?

    To form a verb in the present indicative in Spanish we must look at the ending of the infinitive (-ar, -er, -ir). We will remove that ending and get the verb stem (hablar > habl). We will add the specific endings for each person to that stem (yo habl + o).

    What is the future tense of hay?

    “Hay” is the impersonal form of the verb “haber”, and like most verbs, it has 16 tenses plus the non-finite forms. The same impersonal form in other tenses is: hubo = preterite. había = imperfect. habrá = future.

    What is conditional perfect tense in Spanish?

    The conditional perfect (condicional compuesto), is a Spanish compound tense. It is used to express possibility in the past i.e. actions the could or would have taken place.

    Is Hay a verb?

    “Hay” is a unique Spanish verb. It is related to the verb “haber” or commonly referred to as the impersonal form of “haber”. In today’s podcast, you will learn how to use the verb “hay” in the past, present and future.

    What does Haber mean?

    Haber is a surname of German origin. The meaning in old German is “oat”. The cereal is now in German called “Hafer”.