
Does ModelSim work on Mac?

Does ModelSim work on Mac?

ModelSim by Altera Corporation is a well-known HDL simulation tool for VHDL, Verilog and SystemC languages. Unfortunately, there is no official version of ModelSim for Mac available on the market, so you will have to use other programs that can do this job.

How do I download and install ModelSim?

ModelSim Linux installation

  1. First of all you need to download the . run file from here or from the official website.
  2. Go to the download location of the .run file and type: xxxxxxxxxx. chmod +x
  3. Install ModelSim by running the command: xxxxxxxxxx. ./ install Modelsim.

How do I use vivado for Mac?

Vivado does not support the Mac OS, so you will need to run it using a vitual OS. In this example the we use Parallels then install Linux. This is the free path. There is no stand-alone version of the program for Apple operating systems, so you will have to run a virtual machine to download the program.

How do you use GHDL on a Mac?

Compile your VHDL code For this, you will need to install the compiler GHDL. Once you have downloaded ghdl by clicking on the link in the red box up there, unpack the . dmg file and run the application. Now ghdl should be correctly installed on your mac and can be accesed through your terminal with the command “ghdl”.

What is the difference between ModelSim and Questasim?

Questa is Mentor’s flagship product that has full System Verilog simulation support. Modelsim is an older product that has limited support for System Verilog. If you plan on using OVM/UVM then you would want to go with Questa, otherwise Modelsim is good enough.

How do I activate ModelSim?

ModelSim-Altera Installation Instructions

  1. Download the modelsim_oem_56a_pc. zip file to your hard drive and unzip it.
  2. Run the installation program modelsim-altera.exe located in the pc directory.
  3. Follow the on-screen instructions to install the software.
  4. Reboot your computer when the installation is complete.

How do I launch ModelSim?

1.3. Launch Simulation from the Intel Quartus Prime Software

  1. To compile the design and generate the . do file, click Processing > Start Compilation.
  2. Click Tools > Run Simulation Tool > RTL Simulation. The Intel® Quartus® Prime software launches the ModelSim* – Intel® FPGA Edition simulator and simulates the testbench_1.

Does Xilinx support Mac?

Does Xilinx work on Mac?

There is no official ISE for the Mac, at least nothing like such mentioned on the web site and these forums indicate so in an earlier thread