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What is vocal irony?

What is vocal irony?

1 Introduction. Verbal irony occurs when someone says something that is obviously not expressing the real intention or meaning; sometimes it is even the opposite. This is usually achieved by gross exaggeration, understatement or sarcasm.

What is irony in simple words?

1a : the use of words to express something other than and especially the opposite of the literal meaning. b : a usually humorous or sardonic literary style or form characterized by irony. c : an ironic expression or utterance.

Which is the best dictionary definition of irony?

Definition of irony 1 a : the use of words to express something other than and especially the opposite of the literal meaning b : a usually humorous or sardonic literary style or form characterized by irony c : an ironic expression or utterance

What is the difference between irony and situational irony?

In simple words, it is a difference between appearance and reality. On the grounds of the above definition, we distinguish two basic types of irony: (1) verbal irony, and (2) situational irony. Verbal irony involves what one does not mean. For example, when in response to a foolish idea, we say, “What a great idea!” This is verbal irony.

How does irony make a work of literature more intriguing?

It makes a work of literature more intriguing, and forces the readers to use their imaginations to comprehend the underlying meanings of the texts. Moreover, real life is full of ironical expressions and situations. Therefore, the use of irony brings a work of literature to the life.

What is the difference between irony and antiphrasis?

irony – a trope that involves incongruity between what is expected and what occurs. antiphrasis – the use of a word in a sense opposite to its normal sense (especially in irony) dramatic irony – (theater) irony that occurs when the meaning of the situation is understood by the audience but not by the characters in the play.