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What is Wesakechak?

What is Wesakechak?

“Wesakechak (also spelled Wisakedjak, Whiskey-Jack, and several other ways.) is the benevolent culture hero of the Cree tribe (sometimes referred to as a “transformer” by folklorists.) The correct pronounciation in Plains Cree is similar to wee-sah-keh-chahk.”

Who was the Cree God?

Kisemanito (also spelled Kihci Manito and other ways.) This means “Great Spirit” in the Cree language, and is the Cree name for the Creator (God.) Kisemanito is a divine spirit with no human form or attributes (including gender) and is never personified in Cree folklore.

What was the Cree religion?

What was the religion and beliefs of the Cree tribe? The religion and beliefs of the tribe was based on Animism that encompassed the spiritual or religious idea that the universe and all natural objects animals, plants, trees, rivers, mountains rocks etc have souls or spirits. The people believed in the Great Spirit.

What is Cree culture?

Woodland Cree social organization was based on bands of related families, with large groups coalescing for warfare. Fears of witchcraft and a respect for a variety of taboos and customs relating to the spirits of game animals pervaded historical Cree culture; shamans wielded great power.

Which is the best story about wesakechak and Weesageechak?

Swampy Cree legend about Wesakechak’s reward to a mouse. Weesakaychuk and the DucksA story of Weesageechak: Cree story about Wesakechak tricking some gullible ducks and geese. Wesakechak and the Origin of the Moon: Legend about how Wesakechak created the sun and moon, illustrated by a Cree artist. Recommended Books of Wisakedjak Stories

What did wesakechak bring to the Cree people?

Q: As for Wesakechak and the Cree laws he brought, Sylvia McAdam wrote: “in the spirit and intent of Indigenous sovereignty and treaty … non-Indigenous people must begin supporting and encouraging Indigenous laws and teachings, in every aspect, and by whatever means possible.”

Where did the creator tell wesakechak to go?

Wesakechak was traveling. The Creator told Wesakechak to go to the Cypress Hills in southern Saskatchewan. Now Wesakechak didn’t tell this story. It was the spirits that told this story about Wesakechak. So Wesakechak made his journey from the north. (If I am to tell this teaching it would take a very long time because it is a very huge teaching.

What was the story of the mouse and wesakechak?

Cree legends about Wisakedjak playing tricks and being tricked in return. Why The Mouse Is So Silky: Swampy Cree legend about Wesakechak’s reward to a mouse. Weesakaychuk and the DucksA story of Weesageechak: Cree story about Wesakechak tricking some gullible ducks and geese. Wesakechak and the Origin of the Moon: