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Which drug causes diffusion hypoxia?

Which drug causes diffusion hypoxia?

Nitrous oxide is more soluble than nitrogen, and its use in large concentrations is associated with the second-gas effect, diffusion hypoxia and the expansion of air-filled spaces in the body. It has analgesic effects, probably through central opioid receptor stimulation and spinal cord α2 stimulation.

When does diffusion hypoxia occur?

Diffusion hypoxia is one of the most serious complications that can occur after nitrous oxide inhalation sedation. Diffusion hypoxia can occur with the administration of inadequate amounts of oxygen during or immediately after N2O anesthesia.

How can diffusion hypoxia be prevented?

Diffusion Hypoxia has proven to be avoided by administration of oxygen for 10 minutes from cessation of nitrous oxide anaesthesia.

What is diffusion anesthesia?

It is a process vitally concerned in the transfer of physmlogmal and anaesthetic. gases from the alveolus to the plasma and/or red cell.

What does diffusion hypoxia mean in medical terms?

Diffusion hypoxia (fink effect) means outpouring of large volumes of nitrous oxide into the lung during recovery from general anaesthesia and subsequent hypoxia.This is due to.

Why do I suffocate when I have hypoxia?

This is either due to a decrease in the inspired concentration of oxygen in the air which can result in suffocation. Another reason is due to a defect in the absorption of oxygen by the lungs due to some pathology or defect at the alveolo cappilary membrane of the lungs, where the real gas exchange takes place.

Can a heavy smoker get diffusion hypoxia?

The practitioner should always be cautious with heavy smokers, as they present a much greater risk of respiratory problems, and careful observation is needed for the first 5 minutes of breathing room air. Diffusion Hypoxia has proven to be avoided by administration of oxygen for 10 minutes from cessation of nitrous oxide anaesthesia.

When to discontinue nitrous oxide for diffusion hypoxia?

There has proven to be a risk of Diffusion Hypoxia for at least 30 minutes after discontinuation of nitrous oxide administration in the presence of hypoventilation.