
How do you trade DAX futures?

How do you trade DAX futures?

DAX futures are traded on the EUREX, which is an electronic exchange you can reach on, under the symbol FDAX. Our favorite time to day trade using exchange time is just after 9:00 am exchange time and about an hour before the US floor markets open which would be about 1:30 pm exchange time.

What are the DAX futures?

DAX futureDerivatives contract that obligates the buyer to purchase, and the seller to deliver, a portfolio representing the DAX index. Both the price and the settlement date are specified in the contract. There are two sides to a DAX® futures transaction.

What is the Mini DAX?

The Mini-DAX® Futures is designed in parallel to the established DAX® Futures contract. Mini-DAX® gives global investors the opportunity to hedge and get exposure to the German benchmark index with a contract value five times smaller than the regular contract.

What time do DAX futures expire?

On the Eurex derivatives exchange, futures and options on the DAX expire at 1 pm. These periods are extremely important for day traders, because increased market volatility and trading volume can be expected on both the expiration day and the days leading up to it.

Is there a futures contract for mini Dax?

The Mini-DAX ® Futures is a retail-oriented contract, designed in parallel to the established DAX ® Futures contract. Mini-DAX ® gives semi-professional investors the opportunity to hedge and get exposure to the German benchmark index with significantly lower contract values.

Which is the best way to trade Dax futures?

Mini-DAX ® Futures: The easy way to trade the DAX®. Enter the Mini-DAX®: A higher number of Market Makers, more risk-adequate margins, a central clearing house, as well as better regulation and oversight all speak to the stability of futures contracts over other instruments representing the German market.

What does the F stand for in Dax futures?

This is also true of the DAX futures contract, also called the FDAX, where “F” stands for future. The FDAX is a contract on the underlying DAX 30 that is traded on the Eurex Exchange (the European futures and options market). To simplify a bit, DAX futures can be understood as a bet on the level of the DAX at a certain date in the future.

How to trade FX futures with CME Group?

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