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What is a masculine rhyme scheme?

What is a masculine rhyme scheme?

Masculine rhyme, in verse, a monosyllabic rhyme or a rhyme that occurs only in stressed final syllables (such as claims, flames or rare, despair).

What is a feminine rhyme scheme?

Feminine rhyme, also called double rhyme, in poetry, a rhyme involving two syllables (as in motion and ocean or willow and billow). The term feminine rhyme is also sometimes applied to triple rhymes, or rhymes involving three syllables (such as exciting and inviting).

What is feminine rhyme examples?

Feminine rhyme is also known as “double rhyme.” This kind of rhyme occurs within words that have the same beginnings and the same endings. For example, “measles” and “weasels” in which “wea” and “mea” rhyme as well as “ les” and “els.” Often, this type of rhyme uses the dactylic meter.

Is iambic pentameter masculine?

Lines ending in two stressless syllables Consider the following four lines from Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream, written in iambic pentameter: Having ten syllables, they are structurally parallel to masculine lines, even though they do not end in stressed syllables.

When does a masculine rhyme match a feminine rhyme?

English rhyme is based on matching the rime of the last stressed syllable. It is masculine rhyme when there are no further syllables, feminine rhyme otherwise. Unstressed syllables in feminine rhyme must match identically rather than merely sharing rimes as is required in the stressed syllable.

What’s the difference between masculine and feminine poetry?

In poetry, a masculine rhyme is a rhyme that matches up single syllables. You’ll see it most often in end rhymes like: “Look! It’s a zombie mouse! / Quick! Run inside the house!” Mouse and house? Each is a one-syllable word. Feminine rhyme, on the other hand, rhymes not one, but two syllables. That’s why it’s also called double rhyme.

Are there any poems that use feminine rhyme?

Often, poems that are otherwise dominated by masculine rhymes will have a few lines of feminine rhyme specifically to accommodate these kinds of words. For example, Sir Philip Sydney uses feminine rhyme in the sestet of his sonnet on Desire: . But yet in vain thou hast my ruin sought, . In vain thou mad’st me to vain things aspire, .

What do you call a line with a feminine ending?

When lines with feminine endings are rhymed (such as “numbers” and “slumbers”), the result is termed a feminine rhyme (or double rhyme ). The following unstressed syllables of a feminine rhyme are often identity rhymes (all syllables the same), but do not have to be; they may be a mosaic rhymes, such as “exp and me ” and “str and thee “.