Users' questions

Which mixed number is equivalent to the improper fraction 425?

Which mixed number is equivalent to the improper fraction 425?

In this case, GCD(425,100) = 25. So, /(100÷25) = 17/4 when reduced to the simplest form. As the numerator is greater than the denominator, we have an IMPROPER fraction, so we can also express it as a MIXED NUMBER, thus 425/100 is also equal to 4 1/4 when expressed as a mixed number.

What is the fraction for 425?

How to Write 4.25 or 425% as a Fraction?

Decimal Fraction Percentage
4.25 17/4 425%
4 16/4 400%
8.5 17/2 850%
5.66667 17/3 566.667%

How do you write 4.25 as a mixed number?

4.25 is equal to 4 1/4 or 17/4.

What is 4/4 as a fraction?

Therefore, 4/4 simplified to lowest terms is 1/1.

How to write 4.25 as a fraction?

Here is the answer to the question: 4.25 as a mixed number or what is 4.25 as a fraction. Use the decimal to fraction converter/calculator below to write any decimal number as a fraction. The number 4.25 can be writen using the fraction 425/100 which is equal to 17/4 when reduced to lowest terms.

How can I convert 0.425 to a fraction?

Scroll down to customize the precision point enabling 0.425 to be broken down to a specific number of digits. The page also includes 2-3D graphical representations of 0.425 as a fraction, the different types of fractions, and what type of fraction 0.425 is when converted. The level of precision are the number of digits to round to.

What is the fraction of a mixed number 25?

[&25&] can be writen using the fraction 425/100 which is equal to 17/4 when reduced to lowest terms. It is also equal to 4 1/4 when writen as a mixed number.

Can a mixed number be converted to an improper fraction?

You might also like our calculator to convert a mixed number to an improper fraction . An improper fraction is a fraction that has no whole number and has a numerator that is larger than the denominator. These fractions can be simplified to mixed numbers in a few simple steps.